Friends of Tamworth Castle and Museum

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The Friends of Tamworth Castle and Museum - all rights reserved. Charity Commission for England and Wales - Registered Charity Number 1082468

The Courtyard

Here you are in the courtyard looking east, at the arched entrance through which you have entered the courtyard from outside the Castle, past reception which is on the left.

Having entered the courtyard via reception, you are here looking west at the arched entrance into the main building, where you will find the shop to the left and the Great Hall to the right.

You are now looking towards the southern end of the courtyard, where you can see the steps and doorway leading into the intramural passageway. From there arrow-slits pierce the outer skin of the wall and could be used by soldiers in defence of the Castle.

Here you are looking north-west and can see the large mullioned main window of leaded glass of the Great Hall.

Now you are looking towards the northern end of the courtyard, with the door into the dungeon on the right and the door into the Armoury at the far end.